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Selected Publications
Peter Lalor, Areg Danagoulian, "Atomic number estimation of dual energy cargo radiographs using a semiempirical transparency model," NIM A, vol. 1064 (2024) 169343,
Benjamin S. McDonald, Areg Danagoulian, Andrew J. Gilbert, Ethan A. Klein, Jonathan A. Kulisek, Michael E. Moore, Jill M. Rahon, Mital A. Zalavadia, "Neutron resonance transmission analysis prototype system for thorium fuel cycle safeguards," NIM A, vol. 1062 (2024) 169148,
Peter Lalor, Areg Danagoulian, "Fundamental limitations of dual energy X-ray scanners for cargo content atomic number discrimination," Applied Radiation and Isotopes, vol. 206 (2024) 111201,
Ethan A. Klein, Farheen Naqvi, Jacob E. Bickus, Hin. Y. Lee, Robert J. Goldston, Areg Danagoulian, “Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis with a Compact Deuterium-Tritium Neutron Generator,” Physical Review Applied, vol. 15 (2021) 054026,,
Hin Y. Lee, Brian S. Henderson, Roberts G. Nelson, Areg Danagoulian, “Multiple Monoenergetic Gamma Radiography (MMGR) with a compact superconducting cyclotron,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 128 (2020) 11;
Ezra. M. Engel*, Areg Danagoulian, “A physically cryptographic warhead verification system using neutron induced nuclear resonances,” Nature Communications, vol. 10 (2019) 1
Jayson R Vavrek*, Brian S Henderson*, Areg Danagoulian, “Experimental demonstration of an isotope-sensitive warhead verification technique using nuclear resonance fluorescence,” Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 115 (2018) 17
Brian S. Henderson*, Hin Y. Lee*, Thomas D. MacDonald*, Roberts G. Nelson*, Areg Danagoulian, “Experimental Demonstration of Multiple Monoenergetic Gamma Radiography for Effective Atomic Number Identification in Cargo Inspection,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 123 (2018) 17
J. Hecla*, A. Danagoulian, “Nuclear Disarmament Verification via Resonant Phenomena,” Nature Communications, vol. 9 (2018) 1, p.1259
R.S. Kemp, A. Danagoulian, R.R. Macdonald, J.R. Vavrek*, “Physical Cryptographic Verification of Nuclear Warheads,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 113 (2016) 31, all authors contributed equally to this publication
B.E. O’Day III*, Z.S. Hartwig*, R.C. Lanza, A. Danagoulian, “Initial Results from a Multiple Monoenergetic Gamma Radiography System for Nuclear Security,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, vol. 832 (2016) pp. 68–76
Peter Lalor, Areg Danagoulian, “A semiempirical transparency model for dual energy cargo radiography applications,” NIM A, vol. 1051 (2023),
E. Klein, F. Naqvi, A. Danagoulian, ”NEUTRON RESONANCE TRANSMISSION ANALYSIS (NRTA) FOR NUCLEAR FUEL CHARACTERIZATION USING A PORTABLE DT NEUTRON GENERATOR,” Proceedings of the INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Meeting August 23-26 & August 30-September 1 (2021),
A. Danagoulian, J. N. Miske* and E. A. Klein*, "Grasshopper, a Geant4 Front End: Validation and Benchmarking," 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Piscataway, NJ, USA (2021), pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC44867.2021.9875720
S.J. Jepeal, A. Danagoulian, L.A. Kesler, D.A. Korsun, H.Y. Lee*, N. Schwartz, B.N. Sorbom, E. Velez Lopez, Z.S. Hartwig, “An accelerator facility for intermediate energy proton irradiation and testing of nuclear materials,” NIM B, vol. 489 (2021) pp. 41-49
Areg Danagoulian, “Verification of Arms Control Treaties with Resonance Phenomena ,” Nuclear Physics News v30 (2020) 1, pp 25-30
Ezra M. Engel*, Ethan A. Klein*, A. Danagoulian, “Feasibility study of a compact Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis instrument,” AIP Advances 10, 015051 (2020)
Michael A. Ford, Buckley E. O'Day*, John W. McClory, Areg Danagoulian, “Development of a Neutron Spectrometer Utilizing Rubberized Eu:LiCAF Wafers,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 954 (2020) 161685
J. Rahon*, A. Danagoulian, “Hydrogenous content identification in heterogeneous cargoes via multiple monoenergetic neutron radiography,” Nuclear Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research A 949 (2020) 162860
J.R. Vavrek*, B.S. Henderson*, A. Danagoulian, "Validation of Geant4's G4NRF module against nuclear resonance fluorescence data from 238U and 27Al," Nuclear Instrumentation Methods in Physics Research B 459 (2019) pp. 188-195
R.A. Soltz, A. Danagoulian et al., “Fissile material detection using neutron time-correlations from photofission,” AIP Advances 9, 025011 (2019)
Ethan Klein*, Ezra Engel*, Areg Danagoulian, “Epithermal Neutron Transmission Imaging for Nuclear Security Applications,” Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (2019), won the second-place student paper award from INMM’s Nonproliferation and Arms Control Division
J.R. Vavrek*, B.S. Henderson*, A. Danagoulian, "High-accuracy Geant4 simulation and semi-analytical modeling of nuclear resonance fluorescence," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B 433 (2018), pp. 34-42
M. A. Ford, B. E. O’Day*, J. W. McClory, M. K. Sharma, A. Danagoulian, “Evaluation of Eu:LiCAF for neutron detection utilizing SiPMs and portable electronics,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 908, (2018) pp. 110-116
Michael A. Ford, B. E. O’Day*, Member, John W. McClory, Areg Danagoulian , “Evaluation of LiCAF for Neutron Spectroscopy using SiPMs and Portable Electronics,” Proceedings of Symposium of Radiation Measurements and Applications (2018)
J. R. Vavrek*, B. S. Henderson*, A. Danagoulian, “The Radiation Transport Model for Physical Cryptographic Verification of Nuclear Warheads,” invited paper, American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting (2018)
A. Danagoulian, Jayson R. Vavrek*, et al., “Warhead Verification with Transmission Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence”, proceedings of American Nuclear Science Conference (2017), invited paper, chosen for “Best Papers of ANTPC” session as part of 8 papers from 130.
J. R. Vavrek*, S. J. Collins*, A. Danagoulian, B. S. Henderson*, R. S. Kemp, R. Lanza, and R. Macdonald, “Experimental Progress Towards a Physical Cryptographic Warhead Verification Protocol,” Proceedings of the 58th Annual Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (2017)
B. S. Henderson*, Areg Danagoulian, John W. Fisher III, Richard C. Lanza, Hin Lee*, T.D. MacDonald*, Roberts Nelson*, Guy Rosman, and Sue Zheng, “Detection of Special Nuclear Materials Using Monoenergetic Gamma-ray Radiography”, Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (2017)
J.R. Vavrek*, A. Danagoulian, R.S. Kemp, R.R. Macdonald, “Warhead Verification with NRF,” invited paper, Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology and Policy Conference, Santa Fe, NM (2016)
J. Rahon*, A. Danagoulian, T.D. MacDonald*, Z.S. Hartwig, R. Lanza, “Spectroscopic neutron radiography for a cargo scanning system,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 820, (2016), pp. 141-145